
Light Light Italic Regular Italic Medium Medium Italic DemiBold DemiBold Italic Bold Bold Italic ExtraBold ExtraBold Italic

Borda is a carefully designed geometric typeface, combining precise angles with smooth corner details to achieve a clean and futuristic aesthetic. Its mechanical design imparts a contemporary feel, making it well-suited for screen-based designs. Characterized by compact letterforms, Borda maximizes space efficiency, ensuring a modern and legible appearance in various digital contexts. This unique typeface balances geometric precision and readability, offering designers a versatile solution for projects that demand a futuristic and organized typographic approach.

Details include six weights with matching italics and over 660 characters per style. Opentype features consist of four variations of numerals: decimal, tabular, numerators, denominators, fractions, and language support covering Western, South, Central Europe and Extended Cyrillic.

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